The Playbook To Create A

Sustainable Business That

Doesn't Take Over Your Life


The Playbook To Create A

Sustainable Business That

Doesn't Take Over Your Life

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5 Secrets To Make Your Business

Personally And Economically

Sustainable Fast

...And Beat Your Own Procrastination Now!

In this book, you're going to learn the secrets of creating a business

that is both personally and economically sustainable.

You might be asking yourself, "Why would I care about this?"

This is a question our hero, John Aardvark could have asked himself,

that is until he hit a wall and got stuck. I don't know about you, but I've

had this happen to me more than once and each and every time, it was

painful and embarrassing.

Join John on his journey to finding out first what business

sustainability is, why he needed to care about it and what steps he

took to become operationally irrelevant and how this will completely

change his life.

Not only is that cool... but

check this out!

You're going to learn five things that just might change your life.

You're going to find out what the five stages of business sustainability

are and the steps you need to take to get there.

Get the fable where you'll get to meet John, his consultant Aaron, his

employees and family. You'll learn the steps that John had to go

through to feel the weight of the world has been taken off his shoulders.

A free bonus with the book will allow you to see the actual steps that

John had to go through with a workbook that will allow you to start

plotting your way to creating a sustainable business and clear out the

roadblocks in your life.

There's only one way to get our free bonus.

You'll just have to get your very own free copy

of the book.



A Fable About Creating An Economically And

Personally Sustainable Business

Business sustainability is that elusive thing that all business owners want.

They want their business to be able to run without them. All too often the answer to what that means and how to get there just seems to be beyond reach.

In Sustainable: A Fable you're going to learn the five stages of sustainability and how they will make your business a joy to own. You'll join John Aardvark as he takes a journey that too many business owners start, but never finish.

John will learn that he's not unusual or alone in his quest. With the help of his consultant Aaron, John will discover what he's been missing and you will too.

BONUS #1: You'll get a FREE 20-minute conversation with the author, Josh Patrick

Josh is going to bet that during your twenty-minute call, you'll get some real actionable steps that you can use in your business to make your business both more successful and ultimately, more sustainable.

BONUS #2: FREE 35 page eBook that will give you tons of exercises you can do to help create a sustainable business.

These exercises are the same that Josh uses with his high-end one-on-one clients. And, it's yours free when you buy the book.

Here are some awesome people and what they

think about the book:

Tom Deans, Author of Willing

Wisdom and Every Families Business

"I’ve known Josh for several years. Over that time he’s presented at several Book Yourself Solid meetings. He always has ideas that are practical and can be used in both small and larger businesses. He’s helped me think about my business in different ways and this book will help you think about your business in a different way. Read it, you’ll be glad you did."

"Not since Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World, has an author packed so much wisdom into so few pages. Whether you are a manufacturer, retailer, or service provider, this entertaining book gives owners the roadmap to build better businesses, more durable families, and inspiring lives."

Tom Deans, Author of Willing

Wisdom and Every Families Business

Steve Farber, Author of The Radical Leap and Greater than Yourself

"Josh Patrick knows how to unstick your business and help it become economically—and personally—sustainable. In a world awash with buzzwords and business fads, it’s refreshing to find an entertaining story that brims with real-world application."

"This is not your normal business book. Much of it reads like a novel, with real people, and real problems, presented as they occur in the real world. At the core, it's about staying simple and focusing on what really matters, a collection of practical lessons that apply to anybody who is seriously trying to run and grow a business. Business sustainability is at the core, and the book will help you achieve that."

Tim Berry, founder of Palo Alto Software and well-known business blogger

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There are some of the incredibly interesting and thought provoking things that you are going to learn inside of this book. I wanted to show you some of my favourite stuff here! The top three most important things that you will learn:

  • How starting with values is where you always need to go. You'll learn that your people are making up values if you don't provide what you want to them.

  • Next, you're going to learn about operational irrelevance and why it's the most important step you're going to take when you create a sustainable business.

  • You'll discover why profits are always a result and not the purpose of any business. You'll see how applying the other four areas of sustainability will lead you to profits you only dreamed about.

Page 20. Learn the results of being a control freak.

Page 29. You get to meet John's son, otherwise known as the brilliant jerk.

Page 78. I ONLY share this secret with people who read page 78.

Page 112. You'll learn the number one thing that will help you avoid


Sustainable The Book

  • BONUS #1: You'll get a FREE 20-minute conversation with the author, Josh Patrick
  • BONUS #2: FREE 35 page eBook that will give you tons of exercises you can do to help create a sustainable business.

Sustainable The Book

  • BONUS #1: You'll get a FREE 20-minute conversation with the author, Josh Patrick
  • BONUS #2: FREE 35 page eBook that will give you tons of exercises you can do to help create a sustainable business.
  • Exceptional Resource Center for application and guidance. (learn more here >)

About the Author

Josh Patrick has worked with hundreds of businesses in all industries, specializing in blue-collar. His book The Sustainable Business breaks down the exact framework he has used to grow thriving, self-sufficient organizations for 40+ years. He’s passionate about helping business owners create extraordinary value with their companies and lives.

Josh hosts the Cracking the Cash Flow Code Podcast. He’s a Certified Financial Planner®, a Certified Financial Transitionist®, a Chartered Financial Consultant®, a Chartered Life Underwriter®. He’s also a blogger for the New York Times,, Forbes, and Huffington Post.

Additionally, he’s read over 2,000 business books, attended over 100 seminars on how to create and run a great business, and he’s designed and taught bootcamps that hundreds of business owners have attended.

Now that you've read all about the book, I bet you can't

wait to get your hands on our very own copy. It's really

easy, just click on the button below.

And don't forget the bonuses that come with the book